31 December 2009

Suggested Reading : "The Ascension of Our Lady Boy" by Mia Tijam

Free Speculative Fiction short stories online.

Read it here:"The Ascension of Our Lady Boy"
By Mia Tijam
In Expanded Horizons
Genre: Magic Realism

"The Ascension of Our Lady Boy" is Magic Realism in the sense that it is reality as we know it but with a twist in its sobriety: The Lady Boy of the title talks to chickens, and they talk back to him.

However, that's only a very small part of the story. Most of it concerns his life's journey to claim his identity as a lady. Even as a very small child, the opening lines tell us, he knew he was meant to be a lady.

Two other interesting things about the story are the sprinklings of Philippno expressions, which I must confess I don't understand, and the use of parentheses to indicate thoughts that don't need expression (the things the character knows at gut level, or is so familiar with that it goes without saying).

Notes to "The Ascension of Our Lady Boy" say that the story has appeared previously in Philippine Speculative Fiction, and that "It was later given an honorable mention in 2008 Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror." 

So enjoy.

Morva Shepley

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